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Hackathon: 4 Major Issues You Should Consider When Organizing A Corporate Hackathon | Momenday

As mentioned earlier, there are four main types of hackathons, and more than 80% of Fortune 100 companies host corporate hackathons, such as Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. Successful corporate hackathons often lead the way to a sustainable and innovative corporate culture across industries, helping you find new talent, address changing consumer needs, and differentiate yourself in your industry.

Before hosting a hackathon, corporates can think about the following four areas to meet the needs and achieve maximum benefits.

1. Why do you want to organize this hackathon?

Companies can think about the purpose and theme in terms of the desired outcome, development, and the need for a working prototype. Then, clearly communicate it to the workforce and participants.

2. Who is the target audience of the hackathon?

Depending on the purpose and theme of the hackathon, you can identify the ideal internal or external participants. Previous hackathons have focused more on programmers, but a sustainable and innovative corporate culture requires a wider range of backgrounds and skills. Different corporate positions such as interns, designers, project managers, and managers can bring a more holistic corporate culture. It is useful for creating a good basis for cross-collaboration and networking among employees.

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3. How will you organize the hackathon?

Once you have decided on the theme and target audience of the hackathon, the next step is to think about how to organize the hackathon.

  • Will it be a virtual or a physical hackathon?

  • How do you engage your target audience in the hackathon?

  • How do you ensure that your hackathon is diverse and inclusive?

  • How do you best make the hackathon a smooth experience for participants?

  • How do you select the winners?

  • How do you keep the innovative corporate culture alive after the hackathon?

4. What do you need to run a hackathon?

Even if you are organizing an internal hackathon, you may need to look for external support. For example, a hackathon expert to guide your team or participants' solutions and a panel of judges to judge the fair results. In addition, if you need to reduce the cost of organizing a hackathon, you can try to find a sponsor to provide the venue or equipment.

To conclude, successful corporate hackathons help corporate teams think outside the box, broaden their vision, and create miracles in a short period of time. The four directions mentioned above ensure that the hackathons are effective and diversified, ultimately leading to sustainable innovation.

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